Collection: iPhone 15 Pro Case

Shop now and give your iPhone 15 pro the artistic edge it deserves!

  • How much does shipping cost?

    We offer free shipping worldwide for orders over $45. For orders under $45, shipping costs will vary depending on the shipping destination and the number of items that you purchase and it will calculated after you confirm your shipping address. please kindly find shipping rates here

  • How long is the shipping? Where do you ship?

    We ship from Vancouver, Canada. We take 1-2 business days to handle your order + 3-4 business days to ship. For older iPhone models or custom-made orders, it takes 6 business days to handcraft + 6-8 business days to ship.

  • What is it made of? What does it feel like?

    The Techypop® cases are made of polymer clay. Our case feels like soft silicone but harder, but not as hard as plastic. The softness can absorb shock when hit to the ground.

  • Do Techypop® cases protect my iPhone?

    Yes, the texture of polymer clay forms a thick layer of protection. This layer absorbs shock and damage if drops or crushes into a sharp corner. Techypop® cases also wrap all corners of your device.

  • Is it gift-wrapped? Can I get a card with it?

    Yes, all of Techypop® products include gift wrapping. You don't need to pay extra for gift wrapping. BUT, unfortunatly we currently don't provide any card :(

  • What if I don’t have an iPhone and still want to purchase your product? 

    If you own a phone with a different brand, feel free to choose "OTHER" in the model selection and leave your phone model in the "note" section when you proceed to checkout. However, we will have to customize your order. The handcrafting time will take 6 business days.